The Pink Hall on Gandish

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Read the terms and Conditions before you make a booking. If you make a booking you are presumed to have accepted the booking conditions. Thank you.

Availability of the Main Hall and the Benneworth Lounge.

Contact Us

When you select one of the links, in may take a little time for the calendar to download. Once it has downloaded, you can choose the format you wish to use - whether by month, week or day - from the menu bar at the head of the calendar. Once you have selected the correct date, the “day” view is the most useful for seeing which slots are free or booked and their duration.

To make a booking you will need to contact the Booking Secretary. The preferred method of contact is by email.

Subscribe to Benneworth Calendar here.

Subscribe to Hall Calendar here.

Make sure you read the new booking system, that can be found:

There are differences and you will need to check both systems for bookings.

This page will be removed once the transfer to the new system has been completed.

The new booking system is able to display bookings up to two years ahead, but the transfer of existing bookings to the new system will take some time. All new bookings will be entered on the new system first from now.

Here Special Notice